Honest Family Dental

mother, boy, son

Biohack Your Child’s Breathing, Transform Their Life: The Power of Guided Growth and Development

By utilizing a Biomimetic Oral Appliance (BOA) the root cause of airway restrictions: the underdevelopment of the jaws, is addressed. With this novel solution, your child will experience a lifetime more of energy, mental clarity, and overall wellness.  

Below is a list of the most common signs and symptoms your child has an airway issue:  

Physical signs (due to restricted airflow): 
  • Mouth breathing   
  • Restless sleep   
  • Grinding teeth   
  • Chronic nasal congestion   
  • Daytime fatigue/sleepiness   
  • Bedwetting  
  • Frequent ear infections, sore throats, enlarged tonsils/adenoids   
  • Chronic tooth decay, despite a good diet and oral hygiene  
  • Dark puffy circles under eyes 
  • Crooked teeth 

Behavioral Symptoms (due to lack of restorative sleep and oxygenation): Irritability/mood swings/tantrums   

  • Poor academic performance  
  • Social withdrawal
  • Hyperactivity/poor focus/ADD/ADHD 

If you would like Dr. Trivedi to evaluate if guided growth and development would help your child, please contact our office.  

For relevant research articles, books, and podcasts click here: 