Myofunctional Therapy
Your tongue’s resting position can impact everything from chewing and swallowing to the way you look, speak and breath. Fortunately, you can correct an abnormal tongue position with myofunctional therapy.
- Upper airway obstruction during childhood. Enlarged tonsils, a deviated septum, a tongue tie, or allergies all restrict the nasal airway. When nasal breathing is obstructed, your body adapts by mouth-breathing, which changes the natural position of your face, jaw, tongue, and lips long-term.
- Limited breast feeding, extended pacifier or bottle use, and/or thumb sucking. These habits put pressure on the teeth, moving them out of alignment and causing malocclusion. It can also change the tongue's rest position and swallowing patterns.
Myofunctional Therapy (MFT) is a powerful treatment. Studies have show that, it alone, can have a tremendous impact on airflow. Below is case we recently completed in our office:

Restricted airway before MFT

Airway after MFT. Expanded 2.5x

Arrow shows tongue’s dysfunctional natural “low posture” sitting far below palate prior to MFT

Arrow shows tongue’s ideal natural posture of resting up on palate after MFT

Low tongue posture and restricted airways
Before MFT

Ideal tongue posture and non-restricted airways
After MFT
Individuals with myofunctional disorders develop maladaptive habits and patterns of tongue function that may cause various conditions including:
- Facial skeletal growth insufficiencies
- Sub-optimal Airway and Sleep-disordered breathing (including snoring and sleep apnea)
- Nasal Constriction/obstruction
- Oral hygiene and dental problems
- Teeth grinding (bruxism)
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
- Neck and shoulder tension
- Speech problems
- Facial esthetics asymmetries
Fortunately, we are one of the few dental offices, in the US, trained in the diagnosis and treatment of myofunctional disorders.”