Teeth Whitening
We live in a world where your appearance is the basis for how people respond to you. The cleaner, healthier, and more “put together” you are, the better your first impressions will be. I don’t make the rules, although, I do agree with this one.
Imagine if my teeth were an unpleasing color? Y’all would judge the heck outta me! So I do what’s needed to make sure my teeth are looking their best. Does that mean I whiten every day? Nope. I just know how to leverage my diet and oral hygiene protocols to maintain healthy, white teeth.
In order to do that, you have to understand what causes enamel to get darker. Your enamel is made up of billions of calcium phosphate filled porosities. When you consume a diet that is acidic such as sparkling water, soda, coffee, wine, and/or smoke, it opens up these porosities. The dark pigments in anything you eat/drink/smoke get stuck in there, thereby, discoloring your once pearly whites. If only one tooth is significantly more discolored than the rest, a further exam will be needed to sort that out.
We have many whitening options that are tailored to your needs. First, I examine your current color, diet, and understand your cosmetic goals. I formulate a plan based on that. It could be as simple as a take-home whitening pen or requiring veneers. Although, I always start with the least invasive approach to achieve the desired result.