Honest Family Dental

How To Get Toddlers To Brush Their Teeth: Tips And Tricks

As parents, we want the very best for our children, and that includes ensuring their oral health is in top-notch condition. One of the earliest lessons in this journey towards healthy teeth and gums is teaching toddlers how to brush their teeth. It might sound like a straightforward task, but any parent will tell you that convincing a wiggly toddler to brush their teeth can sometimes feel like an Olympic sport.

In this guide, we’ll explore the art of getting toddlers to brush their teeth willingly and with enthusiasm. We understand the challenges parents face in this endeavor, from the initial resistance to the occasional tantrum. But fear not; we’ve compiled a treasure trove of tips and tricks to make tooth brushing a fun and positive experience for both you and your little one.

So, if you’re in search of strategies to transform toothbrush time from a daily battle into an enjoyable routine, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into the world of toddler teeth brushing and discover how to set the stage for a lifetime of good oral hygiene habits.

Starting Early: Establishing a Routine

It’s often said that habits formed in childhood tend to stick around for life, and this is particularly true when it comes to dental hygiene. The earlier you start teaching your toddler the importance of brushing their teeth, the easier it becomes to make it a regular part of their daily routine.

Here are some essential steps to help you get started:

Introduce the Toothbrush Early: As soon as your child’s first tooth makes an appearance, it’s time to introduce them to the toothbrush. You don’t need to wait until a full set of teeth arrives. Begin with a soft, age-appropriate toothbrush and water. Toothpaste can be introduced later.

Make It a Family Affair: Children often learn by mimicking their parents. Brush your teeth together with your toddler. Let them see that this is something the whole family does every day.

Choose the Right Time: Pick a specific time of day for brushing, like after breakfast and before bedtime. Consistency helps create a sense of routine for your child.

Use Child-Friendly Toothpaste: When it’s time to introduce toothpaste, opt for a child-friendly, fluoride toothpaste. Use just a smear for children under three, and a pea-sized amount for those over three.

Fun Toothbrushes: Let your child choose their toothbrush, perhaps one with their favorite cartoon character or a bright color. Make it exciting!

Brush Together: When you first start brushing, do it together. Brush your own teeth first and then your child’s. Let them hold the brush and mimic your movements.

Be Gentle and Patient: Brushing a toddler’s teeth can be a bit like wrestling a squirrel, but patience is key. Be gentle and reassure them that this is a positive and safe experience.

Praise and Positive Reinforcement: Lavish praise on your child for their efforts. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in making tooth brushing a happy activity.

Remember, the goal at this stage is to create a foundation for good oral hygiene and to get your child used to the idea of brushing their teeth regularly. It’s perfectly normal for young children to resist initially, but with consistency and a positive attitude, you’re setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Lead by Example: Show Them How It’s Done

Children are like little sponges, absorbing everything they see and experience. When it comes to teaching them good habits, including dental hygiene, leading by example is one of the most effective strategies.

Here’s how you can set a positive example for your toddler:

Brush Together: As mentioned earlier, brushing your teeth together can be a powerful teaching tool. When your child sees you taking care of your teeth, they’re more likely to want to do the same.

Make It a Family Affair: If you have older children, involve them in the routine as well. Family tooth brushing time can become a fun daily ritual, and your toddler will feel like a part of the team.

Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude during your own oral care routine. If you approach it with enthusiasm, your child is more likely to view tooth brushing as a pleasant activity rather than a chore.

Share Your Knowledge: As you brush, talk to your child about what you’re doing. Explain the importance of cleaning all sides of the teeth and reaching the back molars. Use simple language and make it sound like an exciting adventure.

Let Them ‘Help’ You: Toddlers love to imitate adults. Let your child “help” you brush your teeth. Give them a second toothbrush to hold while you brush, and show them how to mimic your motions.

Be Consistent: Stick to a regular brushing schedule for yourself, and make sure your child sees you doing it. Consistency sends a powerful message about the importance of oral hygiene.

Reward Good Habits: Just as you praise your child for their own efforts, acknowledge their involvement when they “help” you brush. A high-five or a simple “thank you for helping” can make them feel like a valued contributor.

Remember that children learn through observation and imitation. By demonstrating good oral hygiene habits yourself, you’re not only teaching your toddler how to brush their teeth but also instilling a lifelong appreciation for dental health.

Choose Kid-Friendly Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

Selecting the right toothbrush and toothpaste for your toddler can make a significant difference in their willingness to brush regularly. Here are some tips for making these choices:

Opt for a Toddler-Sized Toothbrush: Toothbrushes come in various sizes, including those designed specifically for toddlers. These smaller brushes are easier for little hands to hold and maneuver. Look for toothbrushes with soft bristles to avoid any discomfort.

Pick Fun Designs: Many toothbrushes for kids feature colorful designs and popular cartoon characters. Let your child choose a toothbrush with a design that excites them. When brushing becomes an enjoyable activity, compliance improves.

Child-Friendly Toothpaste: Select toothpaste that is specifically formulated for toddlers. These toothpaste options are usually fluoride-free, as young children often swallow toothpaste. Fluoride can be harmful in large quantities, so it’s essential to choose a toothpaste that is safe if ingested.

Try Different Flavors: Toddler toothpaste often comes in mild, fruity flavors like strawberry or watermelon. Let your child choose their preferred flavor to make brushing more appealing.

Make It Special: Designate a particular toothbrush and toothpaste for your toddler, so they feel like they have ownership over these items. This can create a sense of responsibility and excitement about brushing.

Show Them How to Use It: Teach your child the proper way to apply toothpaste to their toothbrush. For toddlers, a tiny smear of toothpaste is sufficient. Demonstrate how to brush gently, covering all areas of the mouth.

Supervise Toothpaste Application: Until your child is old enough to reliably spit out toothpaste (usually around age three), you should supervise toothpaste application to ensure they use an appropriate amount and don’t swallow it.

Gradual Transition: As your child gets older and can spit out toothpaste, you can introduce fluoride toothpaste and continue to guide them in proper oral care techniques.

Remember, choosing appealing toothbrushes and toothpaste can make brushing more enjoyable for your toddler. It’s an excellent way to introduce them to good dental habits while making the experience fun and engaging.

Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding Good Behavior

One of the most effective ways to encourage toddlers to brush their teeth is through positive reinforcement. This involves praising and rewarding them for their efforts and cooperation. Here’s how you can use positive reinforcement to your advantage:

Create a Reward System: Establish a simple reward system that your child can understand. For example, you can create a sticker chart. Each time your toddler brushes their teeth without fuss, they get to put a sticker on the chart. After accumulating a certain number of stickers, they receive a small reward or treat.

Offer Praise and Encouragement: Toddlers thrive on positive feedback. Whenever your child brushes their teeth willingly, shower them with praise. Use enthusiastic language like, “Great job! You’re a superstar brusher!” Positive reinforcement through words can go a long way in reinforcing good behavior.

Be Consistent: Consistency is key to making positive reinforcement work. Stick to your reward system, and don’t forget to acknowledge your child’s efforts each time they brush.

Make It a Family Affair: Brush your teeth together as a family. Toddlers often love to imitate their parents and older siblings. When they see everyone brushing, they’ll want to join in on the fun. You can even turn it into a little family competition to see who can brush the longest.

Offer Small Rewards: While stickers and praise are excellent motivators, occasional small rewards can add an extra incentive. Consider offering a favorite healthy snack or an extra story at bedtime after a successful brushing session.

Be Patient: Toddlers may resist brushing from time to time. It’s essential to remain patient and understanding. If they refuse to brush on occasion, avoid making it a negative experience. Instead, try again later or the next day.

Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate dental milestones with your child. For instance, when they start brushing independently or graduate to using fluoride toothpaste, make it a special occasion. This reinforces their progress and encourages them to continue practicing good oral hygiene.

Positive reinforcement can turn brushing into a rewarding and enjoyable experience for your toddler. Remember that patience and consistency are key, and over time, these habits will become ingrained in your child’s routine.

Make It a Game: Turning Brushing into Playtime

For toddlers, almost everything can be turned into a game, and brushing teeth is no exception. By making toothbrushing a fun and engaging activity, you can motivate your child to participate willingly. Here are some creative ideas to transform brushing into playtime:

Storytelling Time: Invent a playful toothbrushing story. You can create a character like “Mr. Toothbrush” who wants to visit all the “tooth castles” in your toddler’s mouth. Encourage your child to help Mr. Toothbrush clean the castles by brushing their teeth.

Musical Toothbrushing: Sing a special toothbrushing song or play their favorite music while they brush. You can make up lyrics like, “Brush, brush, brush, it’s so much fun, let’s keep those teeth shining like the sun!”

Time It: Use a small hourglass or a timer to make it a race against time. Challenge your child to brush their teeth before the sand runs out. This adds an element of excitement and urgency to the routine.

Let Them Choose: Allow your toddler to pick out their toothbrush and toothpaste at the store. Having ownership of these items can make them more invested in the process.

Brush Together: Turn brushing into a joint adventure. Use your toothbrush alongside your child and make it a friendly competition. Who can brush the longest? Who can make the most bubbles with their toothpaste?

Use Character Toothbrushes: Many toothbrushes feature beloved cartoon characters or superheroes. Let your child select a toothbrush with their favorite character on it. This can make brushing feel like an encounter with a beloved friend.

Visual Aids: Show your child images of clean, healthy teeth and explain how brushing keeps their teeth looking just like that. You can find age-appropriate videos or books that illustrate the importance of dental hygiene.

Toothbrushing Apps: There are interactive toothbrushing apps designed for kids. These apps often include games, timers, and animations to make brushing entertaining.

Remember, the goal is to make brushing a joyful experience rather than a chore. Emphasize creativity and imagination in your approach, and you’ll find that your toddler looks forward to this daily adventure in no time.

Overcoming Resistance: Dealing with Toddler Tantrums

It’s perfectly normal for toddlers to resist toothbrushing from time to time. When those toothbrush tantrums happen, here are some strategies to help you manage the situation calmly:

Stay Calm: Toddlers can pick up on your stress or frustration. Keep a positive attitude and remain patient, even if they resist.

Be Consistent: Maintain a consistent brushing schedule. A regular routine helps your child know what to expect, reducing the likelihood of resistance.

Offer Choices: Give your toddler some control by letting them choose their toothbrush or toothpaste flavor. Feeling involved can make them more cooperative.

Use Distraction: Sometimes, providing a distraction can work wonders. Let your child hold a favorite toy or stuffed animal while you brush their teeth. Or try singing their favorite song to keep their focus elsewhere.

Try a Different Brush: If your child dislikes their current toothbrush, experiment with different styles or sizes. Some children prefer electric toothbrushes, while others like the traditional ones.

Gradual Introduction: If your toddler is new to brushing, start by simply introducing the toothbrush without toothpaste. Let them get used to the sensation of brushing before adding toothpaste.

Role Play: Make it a game where you take turns brushing each other’s teeth. This can help them feel more in control and familiar with the process.

Positive Reinforcement: Praise and rewards can go a long way. Offer verbal praise or a small treat when they cooperate during toothbrushing.

Use a Mirror: Let your child see what’s happening by using a child-safe mirror. Many kids find it fascinating to watch themselves brush.

Visit the Dentist: Sometimes, a visit to the dentist can help alleviate dental anxiety. Let the dentist explain the importance of brushing and check your child’s teeth for added motivation.

Keep It Short: Toddlers have short attention spans. Keep toothbrushing sessions brief but effective. It’s better to brush for a shorter time with cooperation than to struggle through a longer session.

Remember that resistance is a phase that many toddlers go through. Be patient and consistent with your approach, and over time, your child will likely become more cooperative during toothbrushing sessions.

Regular Dental Check-Ups: Reinforcing the Importance

In addition to your daily toothbrushing routine, scheduling regular dental check-ups for your toddler is a crucial step in reinforcing the importance of good oral hygiene. Here’s why these check-ups are essential:

Early Detection: Regular dental visits allow the dentist to spot any potential issues early. This includes cavities, misalignments, or other dental problems that may not be visible to the naked eye. Catching problems early can prevent them from getting worse.

Professional Cleaning: During a dental check-up, your toddler will receive a professional teeth cleaning. Even with regular brushing, there can be areas that are hard to reach or clean thoroughly. Professional cleanings help ensure that your child’s teeth stay healthy and free from plaque buildup.

Education: Dentists are excellent educators when it comes to oral health. They can teach your child about the importance of brushing, flossing, and maintaining good dental habits. Hearing this from a dental professional can reinforce the message.

Personalized Guidance: Dentists can provide personalized guidance for your child’s oral health. If there are specific areas that need more attention or if your child has special dental needs, the dentist can tailor their advice accordingly.

Preventive Measures: Dental check-ups often include preventive measures such as fluoride treatments or dental sealants. These can provide extra protection against cavities and maintain the integrity of your child’s teeth.

Building Trust: Frequent visits to the dentist help your child build trust and familiarity with the dental environment. This can reduce anxiety about dental visits in the long run.

Tracking Growth: For young children, dental check-ups also involve tracking the growth and development of their teeth and jaw. Identifying any developmental issues early can lead to more effective interventions.

Positive Experience: By making dental visits a routine part of your child’s life, you contribute to creating a positive association with the dentist’s office. This can help reduce dental anxiety and make future visits more comfortable.

Setting a Lifelong Habit: Instilling the habit of regular dental check-ups from a young age sets the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health practices.

Peace of Mind: As a parent, knowing that your child’s oral health is in good hands provides peace of mind. You can rest assured that you’re doing everything possible to ensure their healthy smile.

Schedule your child’s first dental appointment around their first birthday, or as soon as their first tooth emerges. After that, regular visits every six months are typically recommended. These visits are an investment in your child’s oral health and overall well-being, helping them maintain a bright and healthy smile as they grow.


Helping your toddler develop good oral hygiene habits is a vital part of their overall health and well-being. While getting them to brush their teeth can sometimes be a challenge, it’s a journey worth taking. By starting early, leading by example, and using a combination of kid-friendly tools, positive reinforcement, and fun strategies, you can make toothbrushing a positive and enjoyable part of their daily routine.

Remember, every child is unique, and what works best for one may not work for another. Be patient and flexible in your approach, and always maintain a positive attitude. Celebrate small victories along the way, and don’t forget the importance of regular dental check-ups to keep their smile bright and healthy.

At Honest Family Dental, we understand the unique needs of young patients and are here to support you in your journey to promote excellent oral health for your child. If you have any questions or concerns about your toddler’s dental care, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team. Together, we can ensure that your child grows up with a happy, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

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